Please answer each of the following questions by checking the appropriate column that corresponds to your impression of the level of our service. Please give us your opinions on:

    1. The explanation you received of the legal principles or facts involved in your case.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    2. The explanation you received of the fees to be charged and how our fees are determined.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    3. Your access to the attorney for questions or status reports on the progress of your case.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    4. The attorney’s effort at returning your telephone calls.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    5. The amount of attention devoted to your case.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    6. The outcome or result of your case.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    7. Your confidence in the attorney’s ability to represent your interests in the case.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    8. The way you were treated by our support staff.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    9. The value of the services you received as compared to the total cost.
    5-Excellent4-Good3-Needs Improvement2-Unacceptable1-Don't Know

    (If you would like us to follow-up with you about any particular issue, please be certain to identify yourself.)

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

    Renee Sherman

    Human Resources Administrator

    (818) 206-9222